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Chocolate Delight

Chocolate Delight


Chocolate Delight is one of our dessert indulgent teas. One of the most chocolatey cups of hot tea you've ever had. If you dont believe us, tryit! Sweet, creamy and filled with dark coca nibs, milk and white chocolate chips, topped with marshallows, is our Chocolate Delight. 


Ingredients: Chai Tea, Chicory, Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate, and Dark Caco Nibs 


Steep Guide:

Per 8 oz water - 2 teaspoons 10 minutes 

Per 8 oz Hot milk- 2 teaspoons 12 to 15 minutes 


Expert Tip - To make a chocolatey chai latte add some cinnamon or whip cream


*** These statement have not been evulated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If you're pregrant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, please consult with your health professional before using any of herbal products. ***

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    Due to COVID-19 and health regulations, Soulful and Savoring Teas will be not accepting any exchanges or refunds. 

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    Order Processing :  2 to 3 days 

    Shipping Policy 

    First Class : 3 to 5  Business Days 

    Priority: 2 to 3 Business Days 

    Priority Express: 1 to 2 Business Day 

    Free Shipping is offered with a purchase of $40.00 or more.

    Please note:  Due to COVID-19 shipping may be delayed. Please understand that Weekends and Holidays are not apart of the business days shipping. It is our goal to deliver the best quality and ship all items in a timely manner, please allow us adequate time to process and ship your order. 

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